You Can't Be A Kid Unless


You break something worth memory

and is made of an adult's dreams.

Unless you run around naked

with no sense of nudity or propriety.

If you eat a bug, tasting the grit,

wondering what that is, you rate

kid status. When you curse

out loud at the formal dinner

party and everyone chokes, yep

you're a kid. Crying over well

most things, wanting well most

things, going for it even among

loud adult negations and contraries.

You are not a kid unless you

have age numbers in the single

digits. If 20 or older, I'm so

sorry about this poem


Lady A





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  I wish I had a Dollar for


I wish I had a Dollar for everytime I've be told I should act my age 

Age: an individual's development measured in terms of the years requisite for like development of an average individual

Ageing: to show the effects or the characteristics of increasing age
Aged:  to bring to a state fit for use or to maturity
To Hell with all that !
I may have no choice but to progressively get older biologically 
but Mentally ?
Well I Absolutely!
Refuse !
To Leave Never Never Land  

Every story-teller bends the myth to his own purpose. that's why a Hero has a thousand faces

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bishu's picture

Great !!!!!!!!!! But what are boogers ?

Oh Star !! I used to lament not getting sweets  & feel unhappy as a kid. Now I eat sweets and feel unhappier... ~Your lastlisted poisoned-salted formalined friend b~


P.S. I love green the colour of mother nature 



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Bugers (Boogers misspelled)


Those things that form in your nose and you pick at them, they get stuck on kid fingers and having nowhere to put them, in the mouth - yum. I have always believed that they are parts of the brain that the brain doesn't want. REALLY, I don't do that anymore! I seem to have struck some chords, From: Getinline, stopbeingme, and flouderinginsea ~(:D)- slc





MilMan's picture

You Can't Be A Kid Unless

Hello Star, Been there done that, I tried and I cried then 

this thing called reality came along and made me sing

a whole different song.

Good One Star.  *MilMan*  Cool

allets's picture

Let's Do It Again

The child is father to the man, - who said that?. A poem somewhere, Shakespeare? Whitman? Anybody? - I grow old, I grow old, I shall wear bugers on my trousers rolled. (move over Eliot). There is absolutely no dignity associated with my poem. Hmmm... :D slc




bishu's picture

Grandma's Wings

Grandma, I wonder
where you keep your wings.

Are they hung in your closet
with the rest of your things?

Do you put them away
and just use them at night

or give them to Rosie
to polish up bright.

I know you have wings,
for this must be true,

'cause God always gives
them to Angels just like you.

© Ricky R. Hernandez 



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Gotta Go Dust Them Suckers Off Now!

Thanks for the tribute poem from a favorite writer. That was very kind of you, Bishwanath. I appreciate you highly. - yr poempenner from the away lands of myth ~:D~