I dont feel very romantic,
I dont want to paint the skies in pastel colours
or drape them in velvet studded glitter.
my pen has run dry,
the well of emotions draws nothing but cold
this mind wont let the heart glow
its too cluttered with pain and fears
the worlds ills have laid themselves on my shoulders
As much as I kneel
there is a nagging
I know I must do something.
I sit still waiting for a divine inspiration
or is it fear?
Perspective. Take your time
Perspective. Take your time and it will change for the better. Best of luck SS.
Long days and pleasant nights
thanks diamond hugss SS
thanks diamond hugss SS
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Bad News Month
I got dead on the streets, in the malls, cease fire promises in the middle east, I've got blues enough to tint the skies dark, I feel death sitting too close to me so I get up, because according to TIME Magazine standing is the new sitting. I got wounded in basements because the hospital has been bombed. There may be toxins in the atmosphere affecting gloom wherever it wafts - I kneel and think maybe standing is the new kneeling - Hope the fog rises for both of us soon (I was actually reviewing the things I hated for a lifetime all week long). Go figure - I need to write poetry again. I miss it and need the outlet for emotions that have taken over! - Lady a
>I kneel and think maybe
>I kneel and think maybe standing is the new kneeling -
oooh powerful line! i took all manner of meanings from it. genius in that brain.
and God does help those who help themselves... perfect in and out of its context booyeah! the line of the week! hugss
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."