And my biggest problem is i dont respect your ways
I dont like who I've become in your eyes
Your own creation an abomination.
I'm rid of that sickened mentality
the one where your pasification is the holy grail.
I dont live there in that place anymore
and i dont think you know the way to come with me.
I tread the clouds while you tread thier messes.
I cant rescue you any more.
I need to save whats left of me before I disappear
You never had it in your hands to make me happy
I'm a joker you're a self proclaimed king.
I've been hung in the firing line too often by your sights.
Time to be me,
and if you cant love me its ok
I've never respected your version of love anyway...
No One
can tell off some one like SS - U Rock! and the object of this poem is DUST :D - hugz, Stella