message from the iris, we lost the stars.

Soulmates II

still the wires pass on the electrodes of warmth

the phone message sound that used to make my heart leap with an energy uncontrolable now someone else's exhillaration.

somewhere ovehead on the one frequency connected we keep our heart moves open for transmission

we deal with the thought of us, we live through our knowing of us, who we are and what we were born to do.

we keep on doing it apart as sure as its the same stars above in our eyes that keep us together in spirit.

and as we pass by on occasion the flood of relief drenches us as we look with one silent eye to eye transmitting a whole world of love

respect falls away passion takes over and before the damage is done in that one still moment lids fall,

pain takes over, this world of cruel understandings, has no place for us, thus we make our own in singular moments

and over the frequencies because a love like ours never dies and must be lived.




Author's Notes/Comments: 

it was often but also frequencies and frequency and well spell check disabled I guess it poese an interesting question? which is better? frequentsies or frequency freakquents grrrrr, either way thanks boukie! ;)

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