My apologies

Im afraid Im lost

I just cant keep up

too many ghosts from the past

and too many warm bodies want my future

I just want to write hours on end

I dont care what just let all the crazy end

I write for me

I write for you

I write for us

its what I do.

I cant believe how much it takes

for others to allow me to breathe

with this one simple wish

to impart my thoughts as gifts

sometimes in jewels

sometimes in mud pies

something vibrant or moving seen from my eyes.

but i want so desperately to see it all through yours too

and this is something I have to give up things to do

and dissapoint others too.

theres no way to have it all

for every give there is a take

and for every misunderstanding

another mistake

the mood is dire I feel it is un fair

that I have to kill my desire

to come where my muse will inspire

is all hope lost?

will I ever find the time to write as much

as I need to read?

l love this place

the exciting and new

the trusted and true

Oh how many ways

and how many days

i have owing and

making it up to you

and me.

I hope you understand that I am trying

to be the best for you I can be

but that it is not always possible

for an unlucky wretch like me

I have to work for every dollar

and ounce of success

and if i dont bad luck will win

and I'll be in a mess.

there are others to think of

when I wish I was alone

and could be who I want

but they are counting on me

and I am too soft

I have given what I can away for naught

and now its catching up with me

because I have stolen futures of the ones I love most

picking up the trails of unhappiness and

trying to change thier track,

when I should have pointed out the lovely views.

miss you all each time I die and come back

never think I do not care

for I am one who cares too much

with so little time to make it truly felt.


all my love SS


Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wish I could make it all up to you all! xo hugss

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bishu's picture

Very very nice .. but a mite sad Respected Dear SS

Very very nice .. but a mite sad Respected Dear SS. "I am the bells jingling  on the feet of a dancer. Sometimes on one dancer and sometimes another. Sometimes with my family sometimes with unknown people.. I dressed up" 
