Darkness can't stand the light or prayer.
For every seven deadly soul's deed
You must remember this
To enjoy sustenance like a glutton you may
Lust for life you may
Greed for goodness the of things you may
Sloth for anger you may
Envy kindness you may
Take Pride in others you may
For wrath will refuse to take shape this way
And all the silly trios of numbers
Couldn't symbolise a thing that could ever shake a faith
Built entirely of a house where all is welcomed with in
The dark the light are but full facets of ourselves
Do not deny, rather, use these well,
And nothing and no one other
Can make you live well
That beast of burden is yours to quell
Be accountable. Accept yourself.
You are 7 in 1 negative and positive.
Ok dovley and sugarr it is
Ok dovley and sugarr it is finished! :D
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."