Watching you crumble
on the floor
Trying to make sense of
your ashes
Your world torn apart,
so fragile so broken.
Lost to the wind,
the cavalry didn't come.
You beckoned and begged;
they would not come.
For the love of a mother,
a father a brother, a friend
There came none
except, I in the end.
We sit huddled sifting through
trying to find that driven part of you
It's lost to all those
who have depended on you.
The pain in your eyes
and softly muzzeled whimpers...
I anguish to see you lose it all
because of me and my dreams.
I now know what the truth of love is
and with unveiled eyes
Yours meet mine finally
as one broken and burned artefact;
The remnant of our so-called lives.
Will we together again rise?
I am not certain of this.
But, what my heart and mind and soul confess
Is that the deepest truest love has risen
and my wings of love will Spread,
one burned and crumpled feather at a time
I will straighten and realign
And restore you to your glorious self
when the world was yours and mine.
And this love will conquer them all
As none have realized it's depth
until today.
Rewritten... Now this one is
Rewritten... Now this one is filled with heart and soul.
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Dearest Ssmoothie, I love
Dearest Ssmoothie, I love you!!! I love how you understand chasing the wind and what it means to catch it!!! Beautiful in every way Dear;-) Hard to say what I love more, the sentiment, the language or the imagery!!!
Thank you B, immense
Thank you B, immense gratitude, you always get me though my darkest days <3 tightest hugs SS
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."