Damn it I'm in love with you,
you of all the people on this earth you
What did u do? What did I do?
To deserve such a twisted torment
Love at first sight what a joke never! And here it is
My life as an entertaining thought
here I am starring in my very own joke!
One of those long ones that take forver
to get to the punch drunk line!
20 years on still mesmerized by you
I know everything about you every despicable sin
And I protect you knowing others hold you
And still you own my affections though I'm hardly touched
A love so enduring it drives me nuts!
You let me down, you save me, UPS and downs
You crave me and Chase me then try to forget me
And I colour my games the same hues of envy
And paint grand passions of orange red in my heart that match your own.
When will it be over? I cut the rope but hold on tight to the end.
I wish I knew what to do whose right, who has rights, what is right?
I try to move on till you make a move on me
and I hope I don't show it, that you rock my world!
This is amazing! I love the
This is amazing! I love the title I've said this before, I love the way you think! Totally enjoyed this read very much!
Dont look for me, I'll find you ~Moonshadow