One stupid bitch after another.
Lock up your husbands.
Leave me the Fuck alone.
It's not how I dress cause,
I don't ask for it like you do.
It's not the way I talk cause,
I don't fake it like you do
It's not the way I act,
Cause I'm real.
Fix that gap in yourself
Don't come at me
With your stupid jealousy
And your sly take down;
Cause I ain't interested
In your bullshit problems.
Here's a hint, how about
Not trying to impress?
Cover up the way you dress
I'm not interested
And I couldn't care less
You'll be gone after a while;
And I'll still be here
The clouds part as I
Look up and smile.
Better than homicide ;-)
Remember two things you already know:
The good advice you gave "Fix that gap in yourself" and
The the poetic but true final two lines,
"the clouds part as I / Look up and smile."
The master of smiles! ;) you
The master of smiles! ;) you teach me something amazing everyday! I hope you're smiling now ;)
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."