
the world of pain lives in my head and its having a party rightnow!
I just want to think. be quiet and still and shut that pulsating noise up
I want to loosen this grip the veins have on my eyes and release their
teather I might even plucke them bloody out! I cant see I can feel
the pain is searing and soaring near 10.

I want the vomit to quit asking me to come up and just come up already!
every breath rasps upon my brain impossible to din this cranium strain.
boom! boom! boom! crash! thud! bang! dull ache, sharp pain, knawing at my brain
breath rasp, queese, ill ease, throb, heavy ache, clang! searing 10 pain!
nothing for you tonight I have a headache.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

headaches suck.

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facethetruth2b's picture

Yes they do especially the

Yes they do especially the long lingering ones , dull ones also ..What am i talking about no matter what kind they always suck..

you laugh at me because I am differant, I laugh at you because You are all the same ...(KoRn) J.D......