When You Know...


The things I have seen I wish I hadnt
I have been brought in to question the why
is it the devils trick or is it Gods will
I know which I prefer.

Who Am I to judge?
Who am I to know?
Who am I to feel this burden
Who am I to understand?

Why me indeed why Must I bring the news to the world?
couldnt it be someone else where in the universe?
Am I alone? Though I know there are others?
A universe of hope and duality the key?

There are no words of description.
who are we?
who are you?
who am I?
Who is why?
what is who?
the one,
the you,
the me,
the I,
in the
meaning of life.

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Daniel-59's picture

meaning of life ??

If You ever get the Answer, My friend feel free to let Me in on it.
I'm pretty damn sure Everyone, But the lunatic that thinks their sane!
Has ask this in one form or another.

Keep it going

Every story-teller bends the myth to his own purpose. that's why a Hero has a thousand faces