Rechoosing my religion

I wish I was
less of an inspiration
For your misguided darts
no such darts
were flung from here.
Turn your unloving
attentions else where,
There is no malice here.
What ever this idea
that has caught you up in ire
Let it go,
let it go,
let it go.

Pronounce your truths
and be done with it
For I am at a loss,
I can not understand
Why your truth does not
reconcile with mine
Infact I've yet to hear it,
The fact that I believe
that there is no man
On this earth
that isn't worth saving
should not be disconcerting.

I accept all laws of creation
And that there is a source.
I seek the connections,
That unify us all
I'm not losing my religion
I'm searching for my sort,
and any sort
to find my own connection
Here it is my spiritual mission
To reconcile that
we are the collective God
Inseparable from our creator
Who is capable of good or bad
rigtiously or otherwise,
Consciously or unconsciously
To reconcile life as we do all.

Till I find my leap of faith
and my oneness
in spiritual conception
None has offered
a real connection
Except the lamb
and I am am happy to stay;
Till I find otherwise,
but I have been delivered
too many Times
to lay credit on other things
And if the Christ self is winning
then that is fine
this is My battle
and his in kind.

If God is all creator
And the Demi gods
and all the stories
In all the cultures
have demands
Ritualistic and rite in nature
Religion is
an agreement
that such exists
To deny existence
is loose one's religion.
Worship is worship.
God is in everything
life and existence of which
We do not understand a thing.

Give me
the burden of the blind
Give me faith
over the hopelessness of me.
I will carry it
with my judgement
when I face God.
If this scares you,
any of you,
Any of you,
Anyof you,
I apologize.
But for what I am,
born of free choice
and free will
And yet haunted
by ghosts still
For which omission
has been deemed a lie
Here is my truth.
Though this too
shall be deemed a lie.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This is a poem I wrote when I was being attacked for investigating my spirituality years ago during my college days, I find it attacked still, many of us have this feeling of being different and trying to fit in the thoughts, feelings,ideas, knowings and the like. None of it is perfect and that's my point I'm still looking but I have the support of my own truths I do not expect them to be yours. The spirtual discussions should not inspire hatred though it does, because people are to afraid to loose Their community in disagreement. A sad state of affairs when someone wants you to be different and you can't. Acceptance is the key. I deal with my reality as best as I can. Spirtuality doesn't need to make sense but it should feel right. My self criticism is for all to see. My poems all are about and for me. Please do not misread them or mistreat them, i would like you to give me the benefit of doubt and think only in the constructive or positive light, please also remember they are not just for you. ;) my advice changes as the situation changes, i believe there is always an exception to any rule. Love and hugs always yours SS

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if a dog barks at the moon it is just that, if the moon barks back the dog is empowerd~steve harvy. i say this now because nomater your orentaition religion or race you are who you are and you have every right to be unpersicuted for those belefs until you empower the haters. keep writing ill keep reading

It's last life is spent tormenting your dreams-zombie cat

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Thank you, so much!

Your kind accepting words are so encouraging, you lift my soul! Warm wishes, SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."