Curtain call.

This scene will play out regardless
There's no way to argue or defend
I have the hand that holds the cable
The choice is made the gauntlet laid
But not a match but A one-way snatch.

Dirty my windscreen but I clear it
soap from your mouth cleaned it
Bubbles of contempt have no rival
The fight is only a fight for your survival
Oh the drama in this little diorama.

Opinions carry no weight
as compassion does carry it all
But here I sit looking left, right or down or up
Watching the scene play and letting the act
Call curtain as it wishes it may.
Let the curtain fall.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Still writing it between breaks ;)

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Adam아담's picture

nice one... once again, its

nice one... once again, its personal and unique


SSmoothie's picture

Thanks, working issues ;)

I enjoy your thoughtful responses! Much respect warm regards SS

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."