One day will she see?

Perhaps one day she will see
That she does love herself
as much as she is worthy
And one day she will see
The ownership
of her sadness and spite
That she can forgive
herself and others
And find a way to
self respect and freedom
Honesty is not the honourable
Code some believe it to be
Some times what is unsaid
is a gift of compassion
And one day she can see
That she should love herself
as much as we love her
And most of all, most of all
That she would be then able
To love someone else.

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Hopefully one day she will

Hopefully one day she will see that , sometimes it just takes others a lil longer to Love thyself ! ;)

you laugh at me because I am differant, I laugh at you because You are all the same ...(KoRn) J.D......

facethetruth2b's picture

P.S. Well Written and can def

P.S. Well Written and can def . relate to the words ALL OF THEM!!!!

you laugh at me because I am differant, I laugh at you because You are all the same ...(KoRn) J.D......