
Numb feels like home, but it soon gets boring
Pinching and pulling get old the reverberating noise
The dull stound of struck metal bars is as soothing as the
Blood letting it causes, searing sharp pulses of pain
Temple throbbing. Its not enough again.

Despair speaks softly now, chiding and goading
Pick at it, pick at it, dig your nails in you whimp
Tuck them under the sinews.
Curiosity grabs hold of my wrist
And the slippery rubbery crimson and blue lines
Squish together and flick apart.

I draw and snap them Like rubber bands,
I squeeze them together And they slip and twist I see
The clear puss run this is the coolest shit! I find delight
My mood improves and I see hope in sight
but I can't touch it yet I'm having too much fun!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Liked this part alone. I feel it's two poems so I'm splitting it to see if something else happens with the write.

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This reminds me of an old

This reminds me of an old friend. Bon.