What is it that captivates you so?
Are you lost in the game?
Is it the flicker of a flame
You wish to tame?
Are you pushing out your closing walls?
Hoping someone tracked echoes the calls?
Can't you breathe? Is it getting too tight?
Does it asphyxiate your gloating might?
Caught in a frame of pride unkempt
The only Window to your malicious contempt?
Are you looking for hope or a witch to burn?
Or is it for some spirited camaraderie you yearn?
Do they comfort or contempt in
the swallows of the dark?
Do They unfurl your fronds of thought
And cause a spark?
My shadows are of my own making
There's nothing here I don't own
Repeat this slowly a thousand times
Without stutter and may be
it'll sink in that it all
Doesn't matter.
They are not a barb in your wire
or thorn in your pride
They are the violets
Of choices with no thorns on
Any side.
They are mine.
Followed from time to time.
love your
puzzler ;)
Puzzler indeed! Wow
Puzzler indeed! Wow smoothie.. another great one this is. I read this a few times and it just made more and more sense in my little brain lol I really enjoyed the flow that this piece has!!!
Aww thanks Fitzy you always
Aww thanks Fitzy you always make my day! Love your work so awsome ergo making my day :)
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Some very familiar emotions
Some very familiar emotions for me personally, and you expressed them with great passion and talent. An explosive work of art. Bravo!
Thanks, envy is an
Thanks, envy is an uncomfortable emotion on both sides ;) I am enjoying reading your lovely works! Thanks your comments mean a lot to me because I find your work great! Cheers SS
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."