Its never worse

Conflicted the chest tenses as the heart eases under the mind's lies.

The body knows more 

Instinct and observation 

A keen exasperation 

 A tepid trust fall of the mind 

Logic.demands its order in hierarchy 

The eyes scream truth from the sockets 

Sinews pulled to breaking 

Tense moments collect sweat

it bleeds from every pore 

A harsh dis-ease

The heart kicks to life like a roaring machine 

It knows, it knows 

Panting between beats 

Blackness entreats 

Yet nothing happened 

Who is the liar? 

The devil is a.liar 

It will all be fine.


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Sometimes its too big because you didn't bother to find out. Sometimes you have to take your head up of the sand and feel uncomfortable,  because this is where peace acceptance and great things happen. Bblesings ss

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patriciajj's picture

With tumultuous realism and

With tumultuous realism and wrenching metaphors, you revealed the path to victory over deception. Often The Lie is so convincing that it contorts our inner being into a state of disorienting agony, as you expressed with fierce and exquisite artistry in this powerhouse of spiritual discovery. 


But there’s more. The poem takes a sharp and inspiring turn with: “It knows, it knows” (The perfect words shatter the fragile illusion of indelible darkness) and from there your gifted pen pulls back the curtain. 


In the midst of the cyclone “nothing happened”.


A stunning pilgrimage of renewal through acceptance, courage and truth. You are a treasure.



redbrick's picture

How the mind works or

How the mind works or doesn't; such a perplexity

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver