Blood is thicker than air

Such dissapointed hopes 

Malice comes from every breath

You suckle off my teat 

That nourishes and sustains you,

Yet you talk as if I give you nothing but poison 

Condescending and cruel 

Your decisions put you at my feet 

Living off my mercy 

And still venom spits through your gritted teeth

Had you not been my own 

I would have abandoned you by now

The twisted memories 

The hard imaginary years you grew up in spite of

I guess the line was drawn 

When you tried to say I was bragging about potentially murdering someone because I didn't get a speeding ticket for going 10kms over the limit. 

Or maybe it was when you told me I hated you and "always bring up that you failed university because you didn't make the most of the opportunity 

Given to you when we bought you and your brother a home to live in while studying interstate. No, it was when you didn't want to listen to anything I say,

And trying to pretend the horrible child hood you never actually had was true by saying it infront of your lover. It will never be enough in your twisted mind, all I ever remember was saving you from your self. Like that time you wanted to die and I changed everything for you.  I bent everything I could bend without breaking,

And now I'm broken too. I don't know if it will ever fix 

I can't I've tried there's no way to fix you. 

You do it, 

Im done 

I hope love is enough because it's all I have.


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patriciajj's picture

Caught in the whirlwind of

Caught in the whirlwind of your dialed-up, mesmerizing and unmoored expression—its trueness, its crescendo of living at its most intense pitch—I was finding myself relating to many of the emotions and also very impressed by your ability to put them all out there with a formidable, very admirable, spirit of strength .


Honestly, it was very inspiring to be immersed, deeper and deeper, in the rapids, and then emerge on the other side vicariously empowered. Anything you may have lost in the battle you gained, many times over, by being your true self and knowing your worth.


And you certainly made the right call by realizing that it's not our job to fix anyone else. What freedom there is in that! You can't put a price on that and, to me, that's the takeaway in this astonishing rocket of talent and truth. You crashed through the turbulence, and ultimately vaulted past it. Good for you!


A strikingly penned and transformative journey.

SSmoothie's picture

Just manic thoughts

Just manic thoughts recounting so many slights on a recent visit. Quite painful when people can t see you. That's why  I treasure that you can see me through the waterfalls falling from my mind and always without judgement and very much with kindness understanding encouragement and support all the elements of agapi right there no small feat for strangers connected by aether, pixels and poetic expression. Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

S74rw4rd's picture

The intense emotion that

The intense emotion that powers this poem is so raw that its authenticity cannot be question.  This is a transcript from human experience that cannot be questioned.  And despite the increasing degree of intensity, that line after line delivers, nothing prepares the reader for the final line---which carries a final shock that will linger after the actual reading experience has come to its end.


SSmoothie's picture

Thankyou,  This one is purely


This one is purely cathartic. Hugss and blessingss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Pungus's picture

Your talent is clear-cut

Your talent is clear-cut emotion, a hard drive thru the ocean of commotion and creative (topmost, masthead) Speksnyder Poetry.

peace, pot, tequila shot

Jesus loves us, stoned or not

SSmoothie's picture

Thanks Pungus

I always enjoy your take on things so your comment is very special to me. Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."