What rhymes with Whimsical...?

I write a poem for the senses 

Taking care to use the right mental tentacles 

Pushing neurons in the mind's emotions 

White flag rests and  Red flag tenses 

Taking you down deep chasms and pinnacles 

Disecting love with emphatic devotion

Looking at life through all different lenses 

Converting all those die hard cynicals 

heavenly like a ssoothing lotion 

Pouring out atmospheric word designs

Making up words and getting chancy 

Running with all manner of notions 

Meticulously placed lines 

Flights of fancy

Waxing lyrical 

Even whimsical...



Take 2


I write a poem for the senses 

Taking care using the right mental manna

Building paths lined with picket fences 

Lifting thoughts and raising sighs of all manner

Pushing neurons in the heart of mind's emotion

White flag rests and  Red flag tenses 

Disecting love with emphatic devotion

Looking at life through all different lenses

Charging down deep chasms and rising pinnacles 

In clouds of love the vapour condenses 

Converting all those die hard cynicals

Pouring out manna for the senses

rubbing oil into dried out notions

Meticulously placed lines 

heavenly like a ssoothing lotion 

Pouring out atmospheric word designs

Making up words and getting chancy 

Running with all manner of kinds

Flights of fancy

Waxing lyrical 

Even whimsical

A Miracle... 



Author's Notes/Comments: 

Cheers rhyming scheme amd not much else, maybe I'll develop it later. Inspired by crypticbards poetry and rhymes 

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S74rw4rd's picture

Rhyme is a curious

Rhyme is a curious phenomenon:  full rhymes, slant rhymes, off-rhymes; then there is full-stop or enjambment at the end of each line.  But such terms are only the effect of studying how Poets use words; the terms do not create Poetry.  I like the graceful rhyme structure in this poem, and it keeps the poem moving briskly to its conclusion.  The converssational tone of the poem makes the rhyming sound natrual---as if all people spoke and wrote this way---and not artificial, as in a greeting card.

  And, as Patricia pointed out, this is a meta-poem; and that makes it very interesting.  The great Poet, Wallace Stevens, wrote meta-poems in blank verse; and Alexander Pope wrote them in rhymed couplets.  With this excellent poem, you join those great Poets who have given us Poetry about Poetry; which, to me as a reader, is one of the most interesting subjects and genres available in our language.  I applaud this great accomplishment that yiou have shared with postpoems' readers.


SSmoothie's picture

Starward you are too much

But never stop because I love it! I live for your analysies! Yeah probs a made up word but it works. I l envey your knowlegde and how you make such connections but even better the way you describe them! Incredible!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

patriciajj's picture

Your meta-poem is your

Your meta-poem is your uniquely-you and epic wit on full display, and it's no surprise that it's a blast to read and ponder with inspiration from the great Bard of PostPoems.


From "chasms and pinnacles" to "ssoothing lotion" (with a nod to your lovable self) to "atmospheric word designs" you explored the possibilities of structure and capricious word gymnastics.


I adored every "whimsical" line. I want to say "physical" as a rhyme, but that's just a near rhyme, which was your point exactly.



SSmoothie's picture

On a bad day like today you

On a bad day like today you made me smile and that's quite a feat! Yes physical I concur love your inside story on my inside story! You are amazing i. So any ways I refuse to count them if never finish! 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

patriciajj's picture

Thank you for the kind words.

Thank you for the kind words. Now YOU made MY day! 

redbrick's picture

'Umbilical?' Our site

'Umbilical?' Our site frontage has navel features, perhaps that's why this first came to mind. What a refreshing poetic output. And you are right, it doesn't necessarily need to rhyme except when attempting to keep to a part form. At which point it becomes a challenge that both restricts and frees our means of expression. For some people, some poems sound like Yoda and others like Shakespeare, while others still, a variety of exciting spontaneity. Thanks kindly for sharing the fruit of this particular inspiration.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

galateus, arkayye, arqios,arquious, crypticbard, excalibard, wordweaver

SSmoothie's picture

Navel gazing is quite a

Navel gazing is quite a popular pastime i hear? Thanks for your lovely thoughtful comment and stopping by! Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."