Your opinion of me

is none of my business 

None of my concern

Feel free to express it 

Feel free to share it 

I will too

I'll do me 

You do you 

Be a star burning like the sun  

Dont let them suck up all the fun

Soak up your sunshine on the grass 

And Wipe opinions on your ass

Freedom comes when opinions come last 

And your greatness will come thick and fast 

Just focus on you and what is in your heart 

Because Your opinion of me is as useful as a fart.

Not completely useless,

but you don't want it to hang around. 














Author's Notes/Comments: 

The LIMA declaration screwed us all in 75

Who gives a rats test about the mind hive 

Break free.

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allets's picture


She's back, move over vengeance, she's in a chariot (A DAMN CHARIOT) wheels blazing. Move to the keft, turn, move right, wave at the center. Ranting is not enough, hellfire must always follow. 

~Lady A~


LIMA Declaration, Peru 1977 - strengthened government oversight transparently.



SSmoothie's picture

 ha ha ha!

Cool ha ha ha!

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

allets's picture

My Favorite Phrase

"...useful as a fart" It could be argued that farts have their uses - better out than in, without them there can be no old fat farts, but I am not adamant about it. :D




SSmoothie's picture

No such thing as old farts 

No such thing as old farts  they simply don't hang around too long,  unlike a wonderful favourite perfume so precious always savoured, and you my lovely rose  aren't going anywhere! While it is true all great perfumes have a small amount of cat poop to highlight the fragrance tones it comes together on a symphony of scented beauty. Hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."