I read them all with gusto

And I took the time to make connections 

I saw, 

I felt,

I empathised 

I frowned 

I smiled 

I cried 

I rejoiced 


But I never advocated for anything but valuing eachothers humanity. 


Sometimes a lone wolf howling in the wind 


We are one but we are many 

And this,

I most wholeheartedly honored 

And I fought for it

And fight for it still 



Now eyes percieve


Only not by choice

So I rage against the machines of machination 

Unnatural division of human intervention  


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Its not all bad news, birds and sheep flock together  each has its own vantage point.

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This Is Nice Art

"Machines of machination" I float. 


ps  We need a sign, a yes, a maybe from time to time. :D