Haiku listed

A name of honour 

written in the book of life 

alas where is mine?


A simple white truth 

A survivour of dark lies 

Holds more Weight over time


here are the days now

of an overcrowded world 

Seeking to save many 


What chance to fumble 

What chance to gloriously fail

While struck off the list 


What measures could be 

What measures could not be 

Will they list the best?


Let me count the ways 

How many ways do I love?

Too many to count. 

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Seryddwr's picture

Wow!  Excellent use of the

Wow!  Excellent use of the form.  There are some purists (and I am not one of them) who suggest that the Haiku should be strictly about nature with no human value or thought attached to it, simply a response to a moment of observation of some phenomenon of nature.  I disagree.  Human nature is as appropriate to the form, as you so skillfully prove here, as any other nature.  I applaud these Haiku you have written that push the envelope of the form a little further, while also expressing some genuine human observations about ourselves.  Bravo!!!

Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]

SSmoothie's picture

I whole heartedly agree my

I whole heartedly agree my nature is my nature and indeed nature. We are all one piece of a whole universe and then some...

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."