
2 party systems are rigged.

2 sides are never really 2

Passports are for human experiments ?

No stickpin no work, no play ?

Who the hell are you

to manipulate this way? 

Kiss my ass 

I do not consent 

You take it or leave it 

And no one's choice 

Is anyone but yours 

The same with your business too

Tuning people against eachither

is a far bigger crime fool!

In us we trust 

Let no one put asunder 

Humanity to plunder 

This is our world 

And money burned is worthless 

As it always has been 

The value is in the free market trade 

Time to denounce the system 

And send the oligarchs away

Have a nice day.


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patriciajj's picture

"Send the oligarchs away" I'm

"Send the oligarchs away" I'm with you! Sharp and unflinching commentary on the reality they don't want us to see. Great stuff. Thank you!