What a brilliant and spot-on definition of how reality distorts in our personal filters, knee jerk reactions to facts and stubborn adherence to flawed but ingrained beliefs. Absolutely love your ingenious analogy of discarded kitchen scraps strained through the colander of denial. Perfect!
What a brilliant and spot-on
What a brilliant and spot-on definition of how reality distorts in our personal filters, knee jerk reactions to facts and stubborn adherence to flawed but ingrained beliefs. Absolutely love your ingenious analogy of discarded kitchen scraps strained through the colander of denial. Perfect!
Thankyou for your keen
Thankyou for your keen insights! I love how you just get it. Best blessings & hugss
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."