


The mechanics of your scheming
qualifies your genius.

A tool for destruction
an amalgam of evil prose.

A narrative of your choosing
A bastardisation of facts and excuses tantrums and lies

I see how you whimper and conive
your mark sucked into your hypnopsychosis,

control freak
Erasing my relativity

Desiring my spoils
gained despite your lifetime of torture

Careful analysis of my faults and corrections
My green grass,  the colour of your nightmares

Take your control,
I'll deposit my apathy as collaterol.

I'll tend my garden, you grow your pretty little weeds,
Line them all with cockle shells in a row

You may fool them,
But you dont fool  me.

How you conspire,
the same eyes, same lies

Keep Narcisis in your prayers,
you and your symbiotic succubus relationship.

Fein saints and martyrs
I'll climb higher while you climb into despair

What really counts is the truth that we bate
And the truth that we bare

And I saw you clearly,
I saw you both  

Smiting everything not of your own making
Your jealust consumes

What I create is your next toxic dream
You cant trample on who I am.

Masters of manipulation
Bar one

Your greatest fear;
My success,
My joy,
My hope,
My power in defeat;
Freedom from all your fucked up
Sicophantic dramas.

May you one day achieve the impossible
And be like me,




The mechanics of your scheming

qualifies your genius.


A tool for destruction

an amalgam of evil prose.


A narrative of your choosing 

A bastardiaation of facts and excuses 


I see how you whimper and conive

your mark sucked into your hypnopsychosis,


control freak 

Erasing my relativity 


Desiring my spoils

gained through your lifetime of torture


Careful analysis of my faults and corrections 

My green grass,  the colour of your nightmares 


Take your control,

I'll deposit my apathy as collaterol.


I'll tend my garden, you grow your pretty little weeds,

Line them all with cockle shells 


You may fool them, 

But you dont fool  me.


Keep Narcisis in your prayers,

you and your symbiotic succubus relationship.


How you conspire,

the same eyes, same lies 


Fein saints and martyrs 

I'll climb higher while you climb into despair 


What really counts is the truth that we bate

And the truth that we bare 


And I saw you clearly,

I saw you both  


Smiting everything not of your own making

Your jealust consumes


What I create is your next toxic dream 

You cant trample on who I am.


Masters of manipulation

Bar one 


Your greatest fear;

My success, 

My joy,

My hope,

My power in defeat 

Freedom from all your fucked up

Sicophantic dramas.


May you one day achieve the impossible 

And be like me, 


Author's Notes/Comments: 

Enjoy the irony. 



View ssmoothie's Full Portfolio
allets's picture

Great Title!


One rises skirting obstacles where others trio and fall. Bravo and agree. Deep last line. good to read ya woman! ~S~




saiom2's picture

  I love the title...


I love the title... jealousy plus lust 

and the last line

and_hera_met_zeus's picture

You’re just too good

I read your stuff and feel like you're writing about my life.  I feel like it would be easier to read your stuff if you weren't as good :)  It's so good I don't even see words, I just feel emotions.  

SSmoothie's picture

Thanks sweet, what can i sau

Thanks sweet, what can i sau to that except i am honored big hugss and best blessings Ss.

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

word_man's picture

damn,trade his ass off

damn,trade his ass off

ron parrish

SSmoothie's picture

You are where you have came

You are where you have came from 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

word_man's picture

lol,,no change in sight

lol,,no change in sight

ron parrish

Seryddwr's picture



Seryddwr [ap Lloyd]