Little known facts about racism


Fact: racists come in all different shapes, sizes and races.

Fact: If you hate the hater, you become the hater.


Fact: you fear what you dont know, you fear what you do know.


Fact: most violence is done to you by people you know 


Fact: most hate is based on myth and perceived truths fed to you by hyperbol.


Fact: there are some racists out there but there are also many non racists out there. 


Fact: you are a direct representative of your race how you behave reflects.


Fact: your race should not affect how you treat someone, your culture does.


Fact: hate is not dissapointment, anger or frustration, it is the innate desire to overcome by destroying and anyhilating a person or persons, idea or ideas to gain advantage in a set agenda.


Fact: hate is born out of an inability to comfine individual circumstances, learn, forgive, trust or emotionally detach from pain or envy.


Fact: Group hate just does it in packs validating the hating by consensus.


Fact: we cannot ignore hate in any form.


Fact: we are all capable of being good or evil 


Fact: there is only one united race, the human race, but there are many cultures and subcultures that for survival have learned to hate and dominate. 


Fact: there is nothing we cannot overcome with out love and discussion.


Fact: laziness gives power to all evils.


Prove me wrong I want to understand your truth in order to love you better. 


Fact: I want to love you better.





Author's Notes/Comments: 

anything I missed? 

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bishu's picture

Best wishes Dear SS

Best wishes.You wrote about the pandemic in the mind.....



S74rw4rd's picture

This is a great message to

This is a great message to everyone, on postpoems and elsewhere.  May I follow up with a question.


word_man's picture

well, good things to know

well, good things to know

ron parrish