
She got them today 

Sweet tiny collusion of love 

Perfectly formed 

Born and gone in a fleeting moment

Too young, too small 

To be ripped from her mother's womb 

The kinder cut they rationalized 

But the of pain of kindness was too great to bear

Still, her wings outstretched with love

Wrapped & Consoled them 

This wasn't her vessel,

This wasn't her time 

And off she flew

Again to rise 

Our Phoenix 

Our precious

Tiny love

With her




Author's Notes/Comments: 

Baby M we will remember you lovely x

View ssmoothie's Full Portfolio
Free-Spirited_Wolf's picture

Beautifully written.     

Beautifully written. 



*~Be Legendary ~ Ian Mascoe*

SSmoothie's picture

Thanks - every curse has a

Thanks - every curse has a bounty of blessings hiding underneith it. The miracle is to look, The trick is, curses are designed to make you not look! ;) 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

Free-Spirited_Wolf's picture

My signature is a lyric from

My signature is a lyric from a song from my favorite rap artist. But I feel I relate to it, but then again, I relate to a lot of his stuff. NF is not just my favorite artist, he's my hero.

*~Be Legendary ~ Ian Mascoe*

word_man's picture

a star is born,with wings

a star is born,with wings that fly

to a sacred place in the sky,where we never die

ron parrish

SSmoothie's picture

That's lovely word man hugss

That's lovely word man hugss

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

word_man's picture

you`re welcome

you`re welcome

ron parrish

allets's picture

A Child Dies

To be remembered indeed. Good to read u always.  ~S~