It came over like a sudden dark cloud of oppression
Still a surprise even though I saw it coming,
Breathing taunts down my neck
Threatening it with breaking
Bending my back past aching
I stuffed all my self worth in my big Ass trunk
I turned Ass up and left that place upside down
I turned up for myself
I watch the storm form inside out
Such a hope of winning it had
All hollow victory to rival all hollow victories
Scraping up the win from the floor of chaos and desperation
I'm taking my losses and gambled them on winning
And I did,
Who'd of thought such tyranny could bring me such happiness and others turmoil? Well to the victor goes the spoils
Even if all that was won was what was spoilt
Happy wallowing in your victory
I'm off losing like a real winner
Coming back to life on my terms.
My way.
And your Big Ass Battle got me that!
Now you deal with it.
I made happy because of you.
"...I'm off winning like a
"...I'm off winning like a real loser..." Oh, baby! U got that right! Hit me right between the eyes. Appreciation comes in oppositions, in relativities: How much pain and anguish, suffering, and tears go into one rising up and starting back on the path to winning. The win means somewhere something loses, someone loses, fails, is left behind to weep. Tread on! I am now making happiness for me. :D Peace ~Lady A~
and you did it your way
and you did it your way
ron parrish
I sure did!
I sure did!
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."