this is not your fucking wonderland
its my life.
my dimension
my frequency.
step the fuck off
and take your hatter with you
that Cheshire grin and all manner of sin
your schizoprenic dialogue
bores me to tears
you don’t have any relevance here
I’m off creating my world with my head
I don’t need your kind of body counts
I live in hope not fear
I said good bye Long ago to your flouts
stop trying to hold on to me
let me go
your time was never
I was never a part of you
and your lies though sweet
tasted untrue
now you wonder why you’re lynched?
false eyes and false hearts
I saw you had no soul
thtas why you wanted mine
so damn much
but I knew
and now it’s time
for you to fuck off too
i have no time for your pills and ills
im off to make a garden
with Mary
shes quite contrary you know
she cuts off heads
and lays pretty maids in rows
about time she became compost
and you can rot with her
as you are transpfromed
by the light into a garden of free thought
creation and beauty
for the lack of a soul
i will keep mine
and from it only truth
and love
will grow
The Rant Lives!
It is a way to refresh the psyche, burn off the cobwebs, and continue fresh and beautifully. - slc
Lol! Xo
Lol! Xo
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."