I rhyme best when im as mad as a cut snake
everyone back off and beware for your sake
the mountains crumble when I shake
I give better than I take
it's who I am
a nice little sparrow doing its thing
until some beast jerks my wing
and the talons are drawn
the fierce griffin transforms
suvivors live to scorn
but im a complete enigma
full of every juxtaposition
capable of fierce love and joy
yet toss you about like an old toy
thoughts are fickle things
given over to many flings
they flip and turn
but, I Always win
and they always burn
for patience is key
and God always justifies in the end
until, it's left up to me
then you'd better look the fuck out
my words never leave whose wrong in any doubt
so be fair warned
poke the butterfly and somewhere in the world
my fingers of fate will scream
and your nightmare will replace your dreams
Daring Write
I like the transformations. Nicely said - slc