Cheeks full of joy!
my beautiful baby boy
Smiling eyes
Cheeky grin
Cookies n cream
Chubby fingers reaching in
Now the years have past
Same beautiful boy
Unfolding as a man
Same eyes and cheeky grin
Off to uni far away
Came home briefly for a stay
He's leaving going back today
Doing well with a new life to explore
No home cooking from me any more
See you soon
Quicker than I hope
Be waiting here any time though I know you can cope
Miss you already
I Love you always infinity +
I Remember
The leavings: tears as she walked into kindergarten without me. Then trains, buses, plane goodbyes. You miss them as they grow away and hope you will not survive them. God bless you for writing this poem. I'm smiling :D bigtime - u rock!
Im definately living a life
Im definately living a life full of work and stress so should be dead by 60 god willing a miracle happens and my family lives long and prospers spiritually in this very uncertain world and unsettling time xo
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."