Seconds of love


I don't know how, probably never will.
The capture of understanding eludes me
there is no definable logic or reason.

I wish I could capture all the molecules invading the senses and elements of mystery that constantly reshape themselves with the answer being you to the question of love.

For these fleeting seconds, I am fully completely adamant without doubt

For every fibre of my wishing different there seems to be an antidote ready to mute any plausible argument
You don't fit me well
You complement me perfectly
You don't see it my way
You see my endless potential
You wreak of disaster,
You smell so damn good
The argument goes on 
Till i suspect the day I surrender 
Twisted up in a messy kaleidoscope of love 
As dark as it is light
But I am a shadow of thought
A beckoning dream 
Contorting into a nightmare 
Curious to capture 
Hard to take hold 
Designing your delusion 
Bringing nothing but confusion

I suspect I never will succumb
Except for those few moments 
How quickly and darkly they pass
I am happy here staving off 
My affections for your disaffections 
While you Completely disarm my ever rearming senses 
I loathe you as much as I love you
I scramble all the pieces of you only to find them in my heart
For this second any way and after the next, 







So,  I don't know how, probably never will.

For this fleeting second, I am fully completely adamant with out doubt

The capture of understanding eludes me

there is no definable logic or reason

I wish I could capture all the molecules invading the senses and elements of mystery 

That constantly reshape themselves with the answer being you to the question of love.

For every fibre of my wishing different there seems to be an antidote ready to mute any plausible argument

You don't fit me well

You complement me perfectly

You don't see it my way

You see my endless potential

You wreak of disaster,

You smell so damn good

The argument goes on 

Till i suspect the day I surrender 

Twisted up in a messy kaleidoscope of love 

As dark as it is light

But I am a shadow of thought

A beckoning dream 

Contorting into a nightmare 

Curious to capture 

Hard to take hold 

Designing your delusion 

Bringing nothing but confusion

I suspect I never will succumb

Except for those few moments 

How quickly and darkly they pass

I am happy here staving off 

My affections for your disaffections 

While you Completely disarm my ever rearming senses 

I loathe you as much as I love you

I scramble all the pieces of you only to find them in my heart

For this second any way and after the next, 

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps?



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Blackwingedbird's picture

I feel ya. 

I feel ya. 

allets's picture

Love The Length

U no me ~ long lunged. Cool theme, great execution. "...I am a shadow of thought..." ~~INSERT SCREAM OF ECSTASY HERE.~~ Nice write. ~A~