Bishy's wordss

His tales swish and swoosh

Leap and swirl

Adventure and golden dreams 

Wishes and fantasy

Real moments of clarity 

Any daydreamer is welcome 

But they might as well be written on the air

cause bushy writes so well 

But never seems to be anything but humble,

Thanking us for reading his scrawls 

as all great poets of course! 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Dear bushy you always brighten up my day! Bless you! 

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bishu's picture

You Great Writers

make me feel even smaller than I actually am... You may get a glimpse into the real "me" from the burp of today/night....


God be with you all specially Respected SS,Stella & Dove... Best wishes from Baked Kolkata @ 40 deg C



allets's picture

I miss

Bishu's short stories about Kolkatans he encounters. He is so humble but yes, a great poet and proser. Well said SS . hugz! XoxoxoX - A