Miss you.
prayers sent
Wonder where you went
My wonderful twisted bro
The words in silence hung,
To where have you run?
Soul song sung.
My napkin sits folded
I just want to crumple it up
And aim for the trash can
But I can't;
There are no words.
You can't throw the napkins
You can't throw the napkins in the trash till the Trashcan poet has written on them !!
Kid gave me a new fangled phone I'm trying to figure out. Writing on IT is a Bitch, short fat fingers an fricking automatic spell that needs it's Ass Kicked for being stupid!
Had some health scares I may write about but I refuse to die and make that many liberals Happy. .....financially catching up and hope to whatever God's will listen to get internet this week. ..Never thought I'd say this but DAM I MISS MY LAPTOP
Hang in there My Twisted Sister I WILL BE BACK!
Every story-teller bends the myth to his own purpose. that's why a Hero has a thousand faces
Thank God! :D♡♡♡♡♡
Thank God! :D♡♡♡♡♡
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
What happened Mr Daniel ? Be back soon
I‘m waiting....
Daniels been gone A long time huh?
I always enjoyed his poetry too. What a nice write for him SS. I hope he comes around again also.
Great Write For The Trashcan Poet
Daniel-59 rocks! - slc