Backed Itno a corner by dissapointnent and pain nothing left to do but lash out and release some of it. Probably in vane. I'm everybodys something and nobody's kind of special or important. I guess im to easy on everyone because im hard to please. Does that mean you stop trying? Or are you even listening? Effort. A strange thing. Apparently i did not get the memo. Effort is relative to how conducive it is for onces self. It relies very much on the mood one is in and if its worth it... I wonder. What if I did stop trying? What if I just kept going with the flow to a bottomless hole? What then? Ive already begun to dissapear. I cant be your everything when you arent being mine. Somethings got to give. Or you could actally make an effort.
Special thanks to the other special someone who took soneone out for a special time and invited me to show Im someone. But decided not to reschedule when I had to work and went ahead. Thanks.
To the ones who were under no obligation to make me feel like someone thankyou.
The rest need to lift your game. Till then I'm dropping mine.
Dobt worry im sure youll find a way to excuse yourselves of your behavior.
Have a nice day.
Bitter Disappointment.
Fuck them. You're awesome. The end.
This is why you'll always be my "Blushing Bitch" (^.-)
"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo
damn...I'm sure you are
damn...I'm sure you are someones everything...maybe they just have a weird way of expressing it...If not, I hope you find that someone.