tried and trusted methods for passionate encounters

Because she hates peace

it makes her so stolid and lonely.


the lovely rivers twist in her mind 

she creates dead ends and waterfalls.


because love can be tested

she tore and pulled him apart and stiched him back together again


one day he didnt bleed anymore it made him stolid and lonely

he grew quiet and unrousable


because she hates peace.

Author's Notes/Comments: 
  1. calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation.
    "a stolid bourgeois gent"
    synonyms: impassivephlegmaticunemotionalcalmplacid,unexcitableMore
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 great word. So is "unrousable". In my aging, peace has taken the lead in most desired enviornmental nouns. Peaceful is a close second. :D ~a~
