If I knew back then

the missing

Youre stuck in my head 

Frozen in a daydream 

I try to make sense of the madness

Sensibility lost its appeal.

Glazed over,

im not present 

My mind keeps moving to the spaces you occupy

Crawling around my heart again like some succubus trying to take root

Paralyzed by confusion

The warmth and the burn.

Embers swirl amongst

Cold ashes all around me

Glimpses of the past 

A future that could never be anything but pain 

Turned into a past just as painful

It seems you've been here all along

Injecting me with a neurotoxen while you bite

So I wouldn't notice the way you feed off my love

Or did you do that just then and we lived a whole world of love in that moment

Like that time we locked heated eyes?




Would I choose you? 

I never wonder.

I never had a choice.

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mrpoofs's picture

Interesting...I lie the

Interesting...I lie the imagery here. Real good!

SSmoothie's picture

Naaaw thanks mrpoofs :D

Naaaw thanks mrpoofs :D hugss 

Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS    

"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."

allets's picture

I Have No Choice Poems

I love these, so much in touch with the nature of the practical side of love. Hugz ~a~