Pakistan and Islam - I mourn for you
Sydney and muslims -I feel for you
New York and Oaklahoma - I am agog for you
Israel and Syria - I want to bleed for you
Jerusalem and palastine - I ache for you
we are all one people of earth
one nation of love
but still there are some who insist it is not.
bloodied hands of killed innocence
what God is this you have served
the devil in disguise
Your messenger is a liar.
the words are of peace and love but the actions are of domination and possession.
those who want to kill you do not want to save your soul.
they want to control you.
Mohammed is not a man of rage
he is a man of sin and redemption
and he struggled as we all struggle to find the good in us all.
Jesus is the man in whom God lives as God lives in us all
the overcoming of evil through the light of love and acceptance
Buddah tells a story much of holy scriptures and the good in us all
CULTure is never ready for the truth.
Humans are rarely ready for the truth.
it happens slowly, over time and cultures.
But, the good is growing
the evil is not winning and thus it thrashes about like a flailing serpent brought from the deep sea
Enlightenment is love.
it is forgiveness.
it is acceptance.
it is generosity.
it is shelter.
but most of all it is divine peace.
there are many terrors in this world.
if you do not speak up about them you too are guilty of murder in the name of the devil who so easily decieves us
so convincingly romantic is his call to do his dastardly deeds. in every creed and every religion,
let not one more man fall victim to the devils empty promsise and from our love be put asunder.
Is there any hope ?????????????????????????????????????????
it happens slowly, over time and cultures.
But, the good is growing
When ????????????????????????????????
Now every day when each of us
Now every day when each of us stands up for peace. xo regardless of creed or religion. the evil that exists will try to consume us all, but not if we dont let it. at any moment you can choose to be a peaceful person. free will is an incredible thing.
Don't let any one shake your dream stars from your eyes, lest your soul Come away with them! -SS
"Well, it's love, but not as we know it."
Fantastic Declaration of Faith SS
To be silent as a poet is a travesty. To be silent as a believer in good will from free will is the worst kind of silence. It is often not the Messenger so much as misinterpretation by the message receiver. Amen. - Lady A