People that steal time
It is a little known fact
That people do steal time
They grab their moments as we pass by
Unobserved they take, we know not why.
You took my time, as you take life
From free spirit to now your wife
Each moment is lived through your time
Now all that was is now yours, none is mine
Every second that I live
You make sure I have none to give
To others that greet and spare their time
Now all that was is now yours, none is mine
Sleep is such a precious thing
Yet even this is kept away
How I dream of reading alone with my book!
But you steal each second with your hook.
If I arise a little earlier, to enjoy a coffee to read a paper
My eyes are tired and sleep deprived
It wasent as if I hadent tried
A few precious moments that give enjoyment, mine not yours
And when I choose to write
And words flow with every right
You call and call, with all your might
Now all that was is now yours, none is mine
Great poem
Great poem