Remove the Vampires


An artist

must carve the cancerous parts

of family

out of his life, completely


Or he will die

a beggar


Because it is a disease that inflicts

his emotional eye,

and the fluid state of his consciousness


So long as the artist is encumbered



selfish, materialistic

blood-sucking vampires,


he will find it impossible to grow

in his art,

and will forever be entrenched

in limitations


And he will never rise

to his

true potential





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many know that such essence are being stolen. 

How creative in your words and work this write comes to life. 


"We are, Each of us angels with only one wing, and we can only fly by embracing one another." -Luciano De Crescenzo

Spinoza's picture

Vampire People


I sometimes imagine jumper cables. When a car battery doesn’t have enough charge to turn the engine over, one can attach jumper cables to another car battery – to get the engine started. And then you remove the jumper cables – and off you go. It’s like helping someone for a time, until they get back on their feet.



But some in life, take advantage, to permanently attach their jumper cables to another’s battery – because it's a free charge. But instead, they use them like vampire clamps – to get a free charge ad infinitum.