Vacant Existence

Book in my hand. 
Where did the words go? 
Lost in thought,
I search the pages. 
The words are still there. 
But, none of it makes sense. 
'There is no cold. Only warmth at it's worst,' 
I read. 
'There is no darkness. Only absence of light,'
It says. 
What do these mean??

It makes me wonder.
Where are you?
Lost in thought,
I search the place. 
You're asleep on the couch. 
I read your face. 
Now I know.
I write on my brain..
There is no loneliness,
Just an absence of you. 

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I got the quotes from this story I read, so credit to them on that... It sort of inspired me. but in a way, I had no idea what I was going to write about. Tell me what you think?(:

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