Black Depression

The sky is grey, thought the sun shines bright

People have no faces

For a lover to hold into the night

My quest takes me many places

Shunned by those who gave me hope

I stagger on my way

Through the fog and haze I fight the maze

Into the darkness I grope

I beg the one who loved me

To rid me of these dreams

To take me back and valiently

Release me from the screams

The screams of pain and loneliness

That arise from deep within

The sleep is scarce and happy times

Are few and far between

How can I want him, he who caused

The tears to never cease

He said he loved, yet gave me hate

And took away my peace

The pills are futile, their strength is nil

Does anyone want my heart?

Or shall I cede and from this earth

Forever, ever part.

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eyeq's picture

Words hit so close to home and were very heartfelt. A very nice read.

Joseph Cleveland's picture

A few items of constructive criticism:
Do not let the rythm be controlled by the ryhme. Basically, don't manipulate the thought in order to fit it into the rhyme scheme; rhyme is supposed to be used to further illustrate the point made by the thoughts thus presented; taking that into account, the pattern is good. The separation of ryhme serves to enforce the separation of the individual characters, perhaps you could also separate the voices; present the individual voices; the speaker's longing, and then the outside character's resistance.
Also, try to be less broad; while a greater degree of specificity does limit interpretation, it also strengthens the poem.

Tim Derr's picture

This rises into the void between screen and reader with an agonizing wail.
The lament is so real, no fakery here, just the soul of a woman, laid bare with longing and hurt.

Is there a lesson in this? Who really can answer that?
Every journey requires a first step, and had we the foresight to see past the first bend, we often would not go. Fate is fickle like that, and handsome smiles and tenderness often hide what is over the next rise.

Powerfully written, this displays as it should and touches the heart of the reader. ~Tim

Jessica Amy LeBlanc's picture

Some guys can be real dicks and you wonder how they could be so cruel and how you could have fallen for something as low as them.

Gareth Sgail's picture

Ignore the crap responses. This bit of verse is just a little scratchy, but that is most of it's appeal. It's real, it's heart felt, and it's very clear in the expression of pain/rage/lonelines/need/despair.

Frankly I loved it. Keep it up. Sgail

William M. Sowman's picture

Honey, we all have felt this way at one time or another in our lives. Some like me more than others. Billy

Jerome Burdi's picture

I too have felt like this at times.I now depend alot less on what I can't help and alot more on what I can.The simplest things in life are mostly taken for granted.I have found peace in the last place I thought of looking,within myself.Its through ones own eyes that we view the world.We are the masters of ourselves.