Emerald fields
Stretch across to the end
Of the Earth
Or so I pretend
We have destroyed it
This Earth we were gifted
I'm sure it will take a lot
For feelings of guilt to be lifted
We pollute it
We build on top of it
We don't care for the consequences
Don't give a shit
So give a thought
To mother nature
The one and only
Natural creator.
Indeed, the anguish Gaia has held
so deep in her heart from the unyielding
murder our kind have unknowingly spread
upon the living mother wherein all things
holy are born to thrive and yet to find
a poisoned story and reality thought to
be the only holiness possible because we have
been lied to with such relentless purpose
like concrete upon new grass, like diesel
fumes upon the sweet wet morning air,
like speed and violence filling our every
moment - 'o how my heart aches for the little
ones who must inherit all this...;
Dear Gaia forgive us, for they know not what they
have ever done....
Thank you for the courage to create these words.