
with every step in the sand i lost hope but i never stopped stepping because i know if i did i'd find that rope

i do not exist but the light in me exist

i plucked out my third eye and gave it to someone else trying to see

how long will i walk forever?

always stretching outward always shrinking inward

how long will i walk forever?

i finall found something

i jumped into your ocean and swam 10,000 leagues and buried it where noone could see

i finally found something

nothing is a metaphor when youre heart listen to the sighs that never stop and always pour

how can you believe in nothing forever?

trust those hands, they bleed well

how can you believe in everything when your eyes are closed?

trust my face, it glares well

forgive me for i know not what i do

but i promise to always know what you did

forever i sink: save me!

and as immediate as your hand streches outward toward me my heart shrinks inward toward myself

oh God how long will i sink forever?

why did i doubt?

why did i love the way it felt to doubt?

this medicine works no longer

but longing for medicine works in me forever

and like a tidal wave you crushed me with your hopefull current and now i'm found in the hopeless struggle to swim my way back up to the surface

oh tornado of righteousness youve sucked me up as a bloody man and have spout me out as a white dove bound for your glory

nobody dies in this story

yet in my a moment my rotting flesh screams and im alone and youre gone forever


what do you think?

if a man has one hundered sheep, and one of them goes astray does he not leave the nintey-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying

im lost in the mountains

will i be found

i do not live for these mountains!

but your always behind me

even your shadow is brighter than my eyes can bear to see

so i close them and dream about loving you the way you love me

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I like this...very nice.

I like this...very nice.

...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "