What the left do not realise,
Is all of those they left behind.
They believe they cannot stand
That all of life’s got out of hand
So quickly quietly do they go
Without a word or sound
It will be better off without me
I need to do this now
Cold flesh that twists slowly round,
Scars the one who have them found,
Who before so happy to live life away
Without a thought of day to day
Now can’t see a way around
So also end up in the ground
The dusty dirt to which they return
Claims more than those who asked their turn
How greedy is this earth of ours
To swallow those before their hour
Yet those who leave can never know
The pain of us who continue to go
Around in circles to figure out
Why didn’t they just give a shout?
A word of warning in our ear
So that we could then start to hear
The inaudible pain they struggled to silence
That overwhelmed them, got compliance
Death hands you a one-way ticket
With him there’s no return
He’s selfish and will keep you
He is without concern
So think carefully before you leave
You think its bad here now?
Now do to those that which you hate
And destroy a world, a life, a mate
For those about to board that flight
Into the heavens and above the night
You condemn another to your fate
To live a life of which they hate
If death is the only answer you can find,
Then ask another question.
For trust me to tell you
That life does not end when you do
But your chance to enjoy it does
I would say
It could be better
Everything we want