There’s a cry in the night, she awakes, did anyone hear is there anyone to care
She shivers and shakes, she looks around makes sure it was a dream
She closes her eyes, hoping sleep will come
The darkness brings nothing but fear, there’s danger in the silence
The stillness of the house, the peace within the walls
How quickly it can be shattered, she reaches out but there is no one there
She wishes there was someone, too take her in their embrace
Tell her she will be safe, that there is nothing to fear
That in his arms nothing can touch her, she can close her eyes
Peace will remain, the silence in the night will be calming
There are times, when she is not alone she can sleep in peace
She closes her eyes and thinks of these times
How safe she felt, how strong his embrace
She sighs now the thought comes she will be alone
Forever scared in the night, afraid to close her eyes
To awake in sudden moments of terror
With nothing to stop it, the power of the brain to take over
To bring back those nights, when the passion was so strong
All there was, was power, was control, but desire
Was present wanting nothing more than to be an all consuming force
It worked and has lasted long beyond his grave
Forever grasping her nights, his presence will always remain
There is only one thing that can chase it away
The safety of an embrace, one free from harm, power or control
One that is strong enough to bring the calm, the beauty in a night.
The sheer lonliness and and
The sheer lonliness and and apprehension about every move and moment the character is alone is very convincing and well written. Like your work in this prose very much; yes how we are loved is important free of power control and harm, just love and reasurring would be lovely wouldn't it. Good luck with your poems sparkle-angel.