I Wish

I wish you loved me.


The thought comes suddenly and I wonder with horror,


Was it merely a thought, or did urgency force hope from my lips,


Fallen stillborn to the floor with a heavy thud,


Breaking the ground with the weight of lonely history, expectation and consequence?




And although in truth I hold my tongue,


Our eyes meet and my stomach lurches and I wonder if somehow you reached in and pulled the words unbidden from my chest.


Momentarily I panic that the most devastating thing you might do is answer.


What if you reached into those compelling depths,


And all you could find were those words that the knots in my stomach proclaim so loudly as truth?


I could never




I swallow the thought but my face betrays a moment of despair.


You ask what Iā€™m thinking.


Nothing, I say.





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Powerful Write

Thought unspoken, almost hiddden. Nice lie cover, reader allowed to know there is a hidden truth. Tell-all irony. Well constructed. 

Lady A