The excitement that bubbles
conjures toil and trouble
My poor heart can't take it
The heavy beats of anticipation
I yearn to be your waking thought
The reason your heart starts to drop
And those things you find important
May my smile make them less concerning
I gaze out to eternity
Blowing wishes on breezes of serenity
Hoping my light will illuminate the obstruction
Of the knowledge you lack in my seduction
Your teasing flirtation leave me flustered
Making my mind a windy bluster
And I can't breathe or speak
Afraid my words will make you leave
The words of your soul reach
The words of your soul
reach my soul
yet mine remains in shackles
(agh... I can hardly respond poetically anymore!) Nice write soul...
And because your soul reaches
And because your soul reaches mine, I hear the song your heart is trying to say<3