Everything that is suppose to make sense is now more
confusing than before—love comes in three’s, but so
does death…interesting!
You could find salvation through prayer and redemption
before; deliverance comes with a price tag these days; I
just get high and kiss the sky…
Experience came with practice, nowadays a few practice
what they preach, and many preach bullshit to ignorant
ears who confirm their ignorance with an Amen!
Chivalry is dead; unless you open the door for those
behind you, in which I always do.
Maturity came with age and wisdom—now it does not
matter, as long as you survive and get by, fuck r.e.s.p.e.c.t.
Daydreaming is more common today than a dream while
Keeping in touch meant to actually go out of your way to
connect with those you miss; social media has taken away
the value of personal interaction, its called Facebook now,
“Have you heard of it.”
Patience was an essence to uphold; if you have money you
can bypass waiting; time is money and too precious to wait.
Change is no longer a good thing; some folks are better off
the way they are…a sudden change can be detrimental.
I was told parenthood would make me feel complete; that
was a lie; death is complete, the end—
Friendships were about bonding, a mutual connections,
nowadays it consist of how much money you make, the
cars driven, a lavish lifestyle…and if you are an addict like
me, you are left alone; fine with me.
Loneliness is more comforting than peers are and these
pages are more counseling than a shrink is.
The wink of an eye meant admiration; nowadays sexual
harassment in most workplaces, I do not flirt with just
anyone at work, I have my favorites ;) wink, wink!
Things do not have to make sense anymore, as long as
you get your point across, how it is perceive is not your
problem…you are either with it or out!
Chose your battles or continue fighting the same war;
eventually, someone will run out of ammunition first.
Reservations are for the elite; everyone else is on a first
come first serve basis…I am usually the last to arrive
and the first to be served….I got it like that! I think!
People use to say life is a wonderful thing; today all
you will hear is life is a bitch and then you die…
”Well isn’t that the fucken truth!"
I am more confused now than when I began writing
this piece…FML!!
copyright2013 #soulkritic