When the burden requires a Beast to protect the human ether
A place where theory has faltered and promise broken
Don’t taunt the creature for its impetuous behavior
It is merely a chaperon for lost ideas and timid introverts
For when boiling points are reached within a lacerated soul
It must scourge the reality that has circumscribed the equator
Of a personality delicately balanced in a rueful realm
A place defined by scribes as a certain mental purgatory
Wiping clean all blameworthy social affairs until the slate,
Born anew, can now waver briefly inside self atonement
Such resurrections are rare, a mere breath away from extinction
During the present age of our technological industrial complex
But if one reaches that mountaintop without looking aft
The other side might hold the ramparts of a ravine undamaged
By the incestuous rape of time delving into every man’s heart
A place to become ageless for but a moment’s calming and silent grace
Flushing out all of humanities fallacies within and without
Letting one once again be able to depend on himself and his brothers
Where regrets wither and the mind is released from atrophy
Flexing the unused muscles to further an untapped progress
And the blood battles within the wars of friendship cease
Metamorphosing into a bond never known before
But do not get too cozy with the abode being spoken about
It is but a nanosecond of reprieve in a life congested with discontent
As miraculously as it is discovered it will dissipate just as hurriedly
To once again retreat within the lost crevices of living alchemy
The celestial clock will reset and the slate clean will begin to dirty
Until the burden wares on the tired bearer once again
And he must search once more for that nefarious Beast to beg
It for that secluded time where clarity comes down from the heavens